HOPE 4 Youth https://www.hope4youthmn.org/hope4youth-resource-center-for-youth/ Providing pathways to end youth homelessness. Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:14:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-12932574_997872803633068_4728324444723549465_n-32x32.jpg HOPE 4 Youth https://www.hope4youthmn.org/hope4youth-resource-center-for-youth/ 32 32 Amara’s Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/amaras-story/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:11:09 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=10021 The post Amara’s Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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Amara’s Story

December, 2023

 Amara was living in a tent behind a dumpster after being kicked out of a nearby shelter when she first came to our Drop-In Center. Her Case Manager worked with the shelter for Amara’s re-entry. Since staying there, Amara has been working full-time overnights. Through regular meetings with her Case Manager, she learned a unit had become available at HOPE Place. Unfortunately, Amara was missing the necessary documents she needed to live at HOPE Place. Through our partnership with Anoka County Mental Health, Amara was able to acquire the paperwork. Amara is moving into HOPE Place next week! She was extremely appreciative of the support she received. Amara is thankful to have a safe and supportive place to go if she needs help again.

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Nina & Her Daughters Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/nina-and-her-daughter/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:04:04 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=10018 The post Nina & Her Daughters Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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Nina & Her Daughters Story

December, 2023

Nina and her daughter have been working with a HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager for over a year now. When she first came to the Drop-In Center she was jumping from job to job because she did not have a stable living situation. As a mother, Nina knew she needed to create a safe and stable environment for her child. Her Case Manager was able to help her get her own apartment through an Anoka County housing partnership that provided rental support. Then, Nina applied and was hired at a local hospital. She now has work she enjoys and is able to support her and her child. Nina shared with her Case Manager that she is interested in higher education, but said, “One step at a time”. Through our support and resources, Nina and her daughter are experiencing HOPE and are excited for their future!

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Jaxon’s Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/jaxons-story/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 21:58:31 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=10015 The post Jaxon’s Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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Jaxon’s Story

December, 2023

Jaxon had been staying at his girlfriend’s house while he was finishing high school. After graduating, he wasn’t ready to live on his own. A HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager was able to create a Host Homes arrangement for two months. Our Host Home program allowed Jaxon to stay with a safe and supportive adult while receiving support from a Case Manager to prepare him for living on his own. After exploring different options with his Case Manager, Jaxon expressed interest in our HOPE Place Program. Through coordination and communication between Case Managers, Jaxon was able to move into HOPE Place. While living at HOPE Place Jaxon passed his permit test, is practicing for his license, and acquired a full-time job. Jaxon is thriving at HOPE Place!

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Carlson Toyota Providing HOPE https://www.hope4youthmn.org/carlson-toyota-providing-hope/ Wed, 02 Aug 2023 09:00:36 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=9790 The post Carlson Toyota Providing HOPE appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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Carlson Toyota Providing HOPE

August 2nd, 2023

A HOPE Place Resident has been trying to find a car to purchase for the last couple of months. She wanted a car to help support her ability to go to work and complete other daily tasks. After visiting a few dealerships, she found a car and was ready to buy it. She then found out the price of insurance and the down payment was higher than she was originally told, so she decided to go elsewhere.

The resident was with a friend on Saturday discussing the difficulties she has been having with purchasing a car and how not having a car is impeding her commute to work and paying rent. She found she was paying $700-800 dollars a month for Ubers to get to work. She was getting to a point where paying for rent and other expenses was beginning to become stressful.

She ended up walking into Carlson Toyota and remained there for the rest of the day. She explained her situation to Wendy, her salesperson, who over the multiple hours she was at Carlson, talked to multiple other employees, asked them questions, for their opinions, and called a bank to see how they could help support her.

By the end of the day, they had adjusted the price, down payment, and interest rate to fit within her finances. Carlson assisted her with contacting the bank for a loan and helped her contact the insurance company to get the best deal. She had about 4 Carlson Toyota team members supporting her and doing everything they could to help.

Carlson realized our resident needed someone to give her a chance. A Carlson representative shared,

“Helping people like her is at the core of what we are founded on as a business”.

We want to give a huge thank you to Carlson for giving our HOPE Place Resident a chance and going above and beyond to make it possible for her to get a car. Carlson helped our resident experience HOPE!

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10 Stories of Building HOPE: Brian’s Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/10storiesofbuildinghope-briansstory/ Tue, 18 Apr 2023 11:00:12 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=9176 The post 10 Stories of Building HOPE: Brian’s Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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10 Stories of Building HOPE: Brian Swanson’s Story

April 18th, 2023

Brian Swanson has played a key role as a founder of HOPE 4 Youth. He started HOPE 4 Youth after gaining awareness of youth homelessness through research he was doing for a business. In the process, he came across an article with statistics and economic conditions in Anoka County. Brian was shocked to find data about homeless families, individuals, and youth. He was shocked by the number of young people experiencing homelessness. He explained, “This bothered me. I would wake up daily thinking about it.” One of Brian’s friends had continuously heard Brian talk about youth homelessness and told him, “If it bothers you that much, do something about it.” Brian believed, “…it was God speaking to me through him because, after that, God woke me up at 3:30 am every morning and undeniably spoke to me. The clarity He provided changed me and guided me through every step.”

Following this, Brian wanted to confirm youth homelessness was a real problem. He began talking to several people and was able to get connected with Karrie Schaff, the Anoka School District Homeless Liaison at the time. He found that Karrie had the most information and passion about youth homelessness. Brian and Karrie were able to arrange a meeting to talk about this issue. From that day forward this group of about 15 individuals met every week. About 4 months later in 2013, with the help of many, HOPE 4 Youth was formed, and the Drop-In Center was opened.

Brian was heavily involved in the first five years. Since then, he has been involved from time to time but mostly has enjoyed watching others carry on the mission of HOPE 4 Youth. He is constantly encouraged by the young people HOPE 4 Youth serves. He explained,

“These youth are at an age where the direction of their life is being established. I believe this is the most defining time for most people. We can impact a crucial period for them. This opens the door to change the entire trajectory of a person’s life. The positive impact establishes itself inside the person and, in turn, impacts everyone they interact with.”

Brian is encouraged by the influence HOPE 4 Youth has and will have for generations to come. He believes HOPE 4 Youth will continue to make positive change “for thousands of years into the future.”

Not only is Brian constantly encouraged by HOPE 4 Youth, but he has also grown a lot being involved. Before his involvement with HOPE 4 Youth, he explained, “I had a very small picture of how God works and what he can accomplish through us. I couldn’t have imagined what it would be like to watch Him work first-hand.” Brian felt his faith strengthened. He stated, “HOPE 4 Youth was one of the biggest challenges I have faced, other than being a parent. This gave me a new perspective on just about everything.”

When asked what he valued most about HOPE 4 Youth, Brian said, “If I have to choose one thing, it is that HOPE 4 Youth as an organization has sincerely attempted to put the needs of the young people first in everything.” With this, Brian’s greatest takeaway through his involvement with HOPE 4 Youth is that “serving others is an unbelievably difficult task that requires a very special group of people. At the same time, making a real impact is what makes life worth living. People who understand that and are willing to get in the arena and help others are truly living and making an impact every day.”

Brian ended our interview by saying,

“Our community has to be one of the most generous and caring communities in the world. Whenever we have asked for the impossible, the community has made it happen. I have marveled at the people who step up more times than I can count and it always makes me want to be better. I wish there was a way I could tell each person how much I appreciate and respect what they have done for these young people.”

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10 Year Volunteers: Sue, Rhoda, and Joann https://www.hope4youthmn.org/10-stories-of-building-hope-10yearvolunteers-story-2/ Mon, 17 Apr 2023 20:03:32 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=9171 The post 10 Year Volunteers: Sue, Rhoda, and Joann appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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10 Year Volunteers: Sue, Rhoda, and Joann

April 17th, 2023

Sue Turbenson

Sue started volunteering with HOPE 4 Youth in November 2012. She started as a volunteer in the Donations Center. At this time the entire organization was run by volunteers. Not too long after she started she was asked to be a Volunteer Lead and has been one since! Sue became involved with HOPE 4 Youth after being retired for a year. She explained she was looking for something meaningful to do that would help others. She made this powerful statement:

“I wanted to do something and not be paid. I worked my whole life and was paid. I wanted to help the community and not be paid.”

Some of her friends were talking about HOPE 4 Youth and had invited her to join them. She connected with our mission right away. She said, “I especially had feelings for the LGBTQ+ youth who were homeless, having a son of my own who became a victim of bullying in school.”

Sue continues to be involved with HOPE 4 Youth because she has met so many nice people who have become her friends. She said, “I look forward to Wednesdays and enjoy working with the other volunteers. We work hard but we also have fun.” She loves the challenge of figuring out problems and working with the HOPE 4 Youth staff to make Donations the best it can be. Sue stated, “When I look at how far we’ve come since the beginning, I feel proud. I’m grateful for all the volunteers who have contributed their ideas and hard work to make everything run so smoothly.”

Being involved with HOPE 4 Youth for 10 years, Sue has learned our community has a great need. With this, she has noticed we have one of the most caring communities that want to help by donating items and time. Personally, Sue noted volunteering has improved her mental and physical health, problem-solving skills, creative skills, and overall self-confidence.

Rhoda Sia

Rhoda become involved with HOPE 4 Youth in 2013. She had stopped working six months prior. During those months she began to feel like she was watching the world go by. One day she read an article in the newspaper about a young girl whose hair had been frozen to the ground. This story really struck Rhoda. She was shocked to learn the reality of homelessness in Anoka County. Soon after she became involved with HOPE 4 Youth as a Donations volunteer.

Being involved in Donations for 10 years, Rhoda has had the opportunity to learn about all of the different services and organizations within our community. She explained there is a lot of stuff that gets donated that HOPE 4 Youth can’t use, but there are other community organizations that will. Rhoda noted there are so many people in need in our community, working with other organizations allows us to help other causes and make sure nothing is going to waste.

Rhoda continues to be involved with HOPE 4 Youth because she recognizes there are so many people in need. She sees value in helping these youth. Rhoda pointed out,

“That’s our future. The youth are our future. If we just let it go, what do we have left?”

With this, she explained being involved gives her a purpose and something to look forward to every week.

Joann Hill

Joann started at HOPE 4 Youth in the fall of 2013. At the time, she was volunteering at another organization that had an abundance of clothing. She heard briefly of HOPE 4 Youth while helping with another program and read an article about HOPE 4 Youth in the paper. She approached their booth at the Ramsey Happy Days celebration to ask if they needed any clothing from the organization she was currently helping. In return, the HOPE 4 Youth representative asked her if she wanted to volunteer. It sparked her interest, but it wasn’t until she received a phone call that she decided to go to the volunteer training. In this training, her eyes were opened to the high number of homeless youth in Anoka County.

Joann has worked in donations for 10 years now. She continues to keep the clothing stocked for the youth in the closet. She stated, “We are so thankful for the generosity of this community from businesses and individuals.” She also mentioned even though she is not directly involved face-to-face with the youth there is a lot to be done behind the scenes. She said,

“Everyone has their part and I so appreciate working with my coworkers on Wednesday mornings.”

Joann feels as though being involved with HOPE 4 Youth has kept her younger. It provides her with a structure that she believes to be important for everyone. Also, she said it gives her a purpose, she feels like she is making a difference every time she volunteers.

These three volunteers have been a part of HOPE 4 Youth for 10 years now. They have worked alongside each other for the same amount of time. Sue, Rhoda, and Joann have become friends through their belief in HOPE 4 Youth’s mission and their personal drive to make a difference. Collectively they praised the generosity of the community we live in. We are so thankful to have such dedicated and caring individuals volunteering at HOPE 4 Youth. Thank you, Sue, Joann, and Rhoda for all your hard work!

If you are interested in volunteering at HOPE 4 youth head to our Volunteer page!  https://www.hope4youthmn.org/volunteer/

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10 Stories of Building HOPE: Jayden’s Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/10-stories-of-building-hope-jaydens-story/ Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:30:26 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=9167 The post 10 Stories of Building HOPE: Jayden’s Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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10 Stories of HOPE: Jayden’s Story

April 10th, 2023

Jayden was referred to HOPE 4 Youth by his girlfriend who entered our program last year. Jayden shared with a HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager that he was seeking help because he has twins on the way and wants to be able to provide for his family. He and his girlfriend don’t currently live together, but his goal was to create a more stable living situation for both of them and the babies on the way. During this time, Jayden was commuting from the cities to Anoka to see his girlfriend and bring her to necessary appointments. A HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager was able to provide Jayden with housing resources and helped him create a budget plan.

Three months later, Jayden reached out to HOPE 4 Youth to share that his babies had arrived and are healthy. He has been working consistently and keeping on track with his budget. Jayden expressed he was extremely appreciative to have someone to talk to and teach him about finances. He is now in the process of finding an apartment close to his family so they can assist with the twins.

Jayden also shared that his girlfriend will be going back to work soon, and they will be collectively saving for an apartment. He began to work with a HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager to set goals and search for apartments. Jayden was also able to apply for the Housing Stability Fund support program.

Jayden is preparing for the future and is planning to move into an apartment within the next couple of months. He frequently checks in with his Case Manager and he shared,

“I am extremely thankful for the life skills, support, and basic needs HOPE 4 Youth has provided me with.”

He is confident with the support of HOPE 4 Youth he is ready to take on whatever the future may hold. Jayden is experiencing HOPE!

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10 Stories of Building HOPE: Tanya’s Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/10-stories-of-building-hope-tanyas-story-2/ Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:00:49 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=9155 The post 10 Stories of Building HOPE: Tanya’s Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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10 Stories of HOPE: Tanya’s Story

April 4th, 2023

Tanya has been a part of HOPE 4 Youth for almost 10 years starting in 2014. She became a part of HOPE 4 Youth after hearing Brian Swanson, the founder, being interviewed on KARE 11. Tanya heard Brian explain the mission of HOPE 4 Youth along with the shocking number of homeless youth within the Anoka Hennepin School District. At the end of the interview, Brian stated their need for support from volunteers. Tanya stated, “This interview with Brian was an absolute game changer for me in my life. I have lived, worked, and worshipped in this community, at that time, for over 21 years. I wanted to give back to the community in any way possible.”

Soon after, Tanya applied, interviewed, and began volunteering at our Donations Center. Over the years, she has been a Donations volunteer and a member of the Fundraising Committee. She is currently a member of the Gala Committee and Finance Committee. Over the past year has been contracted by HOPE 4 Youth serving as our Finance Controller.

Tanya is encouraged by her passion to help others. She explained, “Being a part of HOPE 4 Youth allowed me to fulfill my passion by helping others (youth, staff, Board, and volunteers) in whatever capacity to work towards the mission to provide pathways to end youth homelessness.”

Through her experience with HOPE 4 Youth, Tanya has grown in all areas of her life. She stated, “I have grown to lead a life full of compassion and empathy while also striving to use my talents to help others. This has helped me to become a better person and allowed me to give back to my community.” Tanya values HOPE 4 Youth’s noticeable impact on the youth they serve every day. She stated,

“The youth are given opportunities to have their basic needs met and given the tools to help them flourish outside the walls of HOPE 4 Youth. Together we are making a difference in the lives of the youth we serve. So wonderful to see!”

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10 Stories of Building HOPE: Mia’s Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/10-stories-of-building-hope-mias-story/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 20:43:54 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=9141 The post 10 Stories of Building HOPE: Mia’s Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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10 Stories of HOPE: Mia’s Story

March 28th, 2023

Mia recently moved back to the cities after facing persistent homelessness, domestic violence, and a lack of support. These obstacles ultimately led to her becoming a victim of sex trafficking. Mia first came to HOPE 4 Youth last summer. Upon her arrival, she met with a HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager. Immediately, Mia’s goal was to find a safe place to stay for the night and a hot meal. The H4Y Case Manager was able to provide her with a hot meal. When the meal was placed in front of Mia, she burst into tears. When asked why she was crying she responded, “I haven’t eaten anything that hasn’t been from a can in months. It’s been even longer since I shared a meal with someone I have felt safe.” The H4Y Case Manager was able to help her locate a shelter specifically for women who have experienced domestic violence. Mia stayed there for a few weeks. Every day, she either walked or took the bus to meet with her H4Y Case Manager.

Soon after, Mia began to work two jobs and applied for Cosmetology school. She regularly walked or took the bus to a nearby library to complete her remote work. Mia was proud to share with us that she was accepted into Cosmetology school and has been there for a few months now. Not only is she in school, but she is continuing to work both jobs.

Once Mia became more settled into school and work she worked with a H4Y Case Manager to search for apartments. She was able to find an apartment both within her price range and in a safe area. HOPE 4 Youth supported her with this transition by funding her security deposit and first month’s rent. With this, HOPE 4 Youth was fortunate enough to receive a donation of laptops. We were able to provide Mia with one so she no longer has to regularly commute to the library. This helped Mia to focus on her studies and dreams of becoming a cosmetologist.

Mia continued to meet with a H4Y Case Manager until she aged out of the program. She continues to check in with her Case Manager frequently. Mia was able to use the resources her Case Manager provided to find a provider who specializes in those who are sex trafficking survivors. She also began to refer many of her friends and family to HOPE 4 Youth. She stated,

“I want everyone who needs help to have someone like you to get them through the darkness.”

Mia told her Case Manager, “I am so proud of myself and who I have become.” Her Case Manager noted her smile is contagious now.  Mia is eager to see what the future holds for her. Mia is experiencing HOPE.

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10 Stories of Building HOPE: Steve’s Story https://www.hope4youthmn.org/10-stories-of-building-hope-steves-story-2/ Tue, 21 Mar 2023 17:07:57 +0000 https://www.hope4youthmn.org/?p=9122 The post 10 Stories of Building HOPE: Steve’s Story appeared first on HOPE 4 Youth.

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10 Stories of HOPE: Steve’s Story

March 21st, 2023

Steve has been a part of HOPE 4 Youth since 2018. He currently serves on the HOPE 4 Youth Board as the Chair. Steve’s involvement with HOPE 4 Youth came from his draw to programs whose mission is to help youth. Steve coached and ran a variety of sports programs for over 25 years. This experience allowed him to interact with many young people who were facing challenges every day. However, it wasn’t until his children attended a local high school he became aware of youth homelessness. He learned many high school students were sleeping in their cars. Steve wanted to help alleviate this issue, but he didn’t know how. Eventually, Steve was asked if he had an interest in joining the HOPE 4 Youth Board and he jumped at the opportunity.

Steve is constantly encouraged to continue to be involved with HOPE 4 Youth. He stated, “every time one of the youth has some level of success, whether big or small, it energizes me and makes all the work worthwhile.” Since being involved with HOPE 4 Youth Steve has gained a whole new perspective. He explained, “I now have a greater appreciation for the many advantages I had in my life, especially while growing up. I have more empathy for the struggles young people must overcome to become securely housed.” With this, Steve mentioned he has grown an appreciation for the hard work of staff and volunteers to help HOPE 4 Youth advance towards their mission. He recognizes it is not easy to solve these complex problems and sees the emotional toll it takes on everyone involved.

One thing Steve values most about HOPE 4 Youth is “the dedication everyone has to the mission of HOPE 4 Youth. Without this kind of dedication, it would be easy to become discouraged because this is a tough problem we are trying to solve.” This tied into Steve’s biggest takeaway since being involved with HOPE 4 Youth, which is,

“If people are dedicated to a mission, are willing to work hard, and as a team, they can tackle daunting tasks to make the world a better place.”

Steve’s drive and determination toward our mission are truly inspiring. We are thankful to have a Board member who believes in us and is dedicated to our program.

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